Armée 445 : Coréen Goryeo (918 à 1392 après JC)
Le délitement du Royaume Silla se déroule parallèlement à l'effondrement des Tang,
qui commence en 868 et s'achève en 907. La capitale Chang'an est prise en 881 par le contrebandier Huang
Chao. La Chine éclate alors, c'est la période des Cinq Dynasties et des Dix Royaumes (907-979). En
904 la tribu mongole des Khitan s'empare de Chang'an et fonde, dans le nord de l'ancien empire Tang et sur les
steppes un empire conquérant sous la Dynastie Liao. C'est une nouvelle menace pour la péninsule. Les invasions mongoles seront particulièrement destructrices, la famille royale résistant jusqu'au bout et s'exilant plusieurs décennies sur des îles au large de la Corée. Ils ne se soumirent qu'en 1270, acceptant des conditions humiliantes pour garder leur trône sous suzeraineté mongole. La Corée sert de base arrière à ces derniers pour leur tentative de conquête du Japon en 1274 et 1281. Profitant de l'affaiblissement des Mongols, en Chine comme ailleurs, le roi Gongmin (Kongmin) (r. 1351-1374) détruit en 1356 la faction pro-mongole dirigée par Ki Ch'ol, frère de l'impératrice Ki, seconde épouse du dernier empereur mongol. La Corée était de nouveau indépendante. Gongmin entreprend une politique anti-Mongol et pro-Ming. Elle subit cependant l'invasion passagère des Turbans rouges (rebelles chinois) qui ravagent le pays en 1359 et 1360, et en sont chassés par les généraux Choe Yeong et Yi Seonggye. Le général Yi Seonggye est chargé du commandement d'une partie de l'armée. Il prend le pouvoir en Corée en 1392, et fonde la dynastie Joseon. Tout de suite il renforce son pouvoir par des réformes radicales avec l'aide de membres de l'administration, lettrés et réformateurs. La première réforme est une réforme agraire, qui commence par un grand feu de joie où l'on brûle les anciens registres sur la place publique. La dynastie Joseon durera jusqu'aux débuts du XXe siècle.
Les minima sont donnés pour des armées d'environ 1000 points, permettant de longues parties d'une soirée entière. Pour des parties plus courtes, n'hésitez pas à les diviser. |
Cold. Ag 1. WW, Rv, H(S), H(G), Wd, O, E, RGo, M, Rd, BUA.
C-in-C - Reg Cv (O) @ 28AP 1
Sub-general - as above 1-2
Kwanggun cavalry - Reg Cv (O) @ 8AP 4-10
Militia cavalry - Reg Cv (I) @ 6AP *2-10
Light horse archers - Reg LH (F) @ 4AP 3-6
Kwanggun archers - Reg Bw (O) @ 5AP 6-8
Kwanggun spearmen - Reg Sp (O) @ 5AP 6-8
Militia archers - Reg Bw (I) @ 4AP *4-20
Militia spearmen - Reg Sp (I) @ 4AP *4-20
War wagons - Reg WWg (O) @ 10AP 0-4
Heavy stone-throwers - Reg Art (S) @ 10AP 0-2
Light stone-throwers - Reg Art (I) @ 4AP 0-2
Ditch and bank, palisades - TF @ 2AP 0-4
Transport junks - Irr Shp (I) @ 2AP [Bg] 0-4
Only from 926 AD to 1107 AD:
Jurchen auxiliary cavalry - Irr Cv (S) @ 9AP or Irr Cv (O) @ 7AP 0-6
Jurchen or Malgal auxiliary foot archers - Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP or Irr Bw (O) @ 4AP 0-6
Only after 1170 AD:
Downgrade sub-generals to ally-generals - Reg Cv (O) @ 18AP All
Only from 1217 AD to 1218 AD:
Jurchen-Chin allies - List: Jurchen-Chin (Bk 4)
Only from 1231 AD to 1273 AD:
Guerillas with long spears or halberds - Irr Ax (X) @ 3AP 0-6
Guerilla archers - Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP 0-6
Only after 1375 AD:
Handgunners - Reg Ps (S) @ 3AP 0-2
Rocketry - Reg Art (I) @ 4AP 0-2
The Silla dynasty was replaced in 918 by the Koryo, which expanded its rule north to the Yalu river. The Khitan
invaded Koryo in 993,
penetrating deep into Korea until fought to a standstill. Further invasions in 1010 and 1018 ended similarly. The
Manchurian tribes formerly
known as Malgal were now called Jurchen after their leading clan, and their cavalry had become heavier. From the
fall of the Manchurian
state of P'o-hai to the Khitan in 926 until the war with the Jurchen in 1108 Koryo used them as auxiliaries. After
the establishment of the
Jurchen-Chin dynasty in 1115, Koryo switched allegiance from the Khitan-Liao to the Chin. After a military coup
in 1170, generals were
very independent, often ignored orders and frequently revolted. Khitan forces retreating from the Mongols invaded
Korea in 1217, but were
destroyed by a combined Mongol-Jurchen-Koryo army in 1218. The Mongols returned in 1231, Korean resistance lasting
until 1273. A
repeated pattern was that the Mongols would make some unacceptable demand, then invade and destroy the Korean army,
often helped by
turncoat Koreans. Army remnants and most of the people would abandon the lowlands and take to the hills and outlying
islands. Guerilla
warfare followed, often against royal Koryo orders. Unsuited to this, the Mongol army would leave, except for officials
and small garrisons.
Korean and Mongol forces might now fight against rebels and pirates under Korean command. Koreans were used by
the Mongols as allies,
notably in the Japanese expeditions. The dynasty ended in 1392, after general Yi Song-gye, ordered to support the
Mongols against the
Ming Chinese, revolted and founded the Yi dynasty. The army consisted of a standing force (kwanggun) and a militia,
which included
cavalry recruited from rich merchants, petty officials and suchlike. Heavy cavalry would be either lance- or bow-armed.
"Battle chariots
with swords on their axles" are said to have been used in 1010 against the Khitan and are mentioned as late
as 1095. If they existed, they
were probably war wagons like Sung Chinese examples. Great use was made of temporary and permanent fortifications,
sometimes to block
whole valleys or landing beaches. Gunpowder production started c. 1375 AD. Minima marked * apply if any militia
are used. Junks can
carry allied troops of the correct type instead of Koreans. Mongols and guerillas cannot be used together.